The general working principle of the filling process of plastic hoses

by:Lisson     2021-03-09
The general working principle of the filling process of plastic hoses  
The general working principle of the filling process of plastic hoses: through the automatic pipe feeding device, the orderly arranged hoses to be filled are taken out of the large-capacity hose silo, and after passing through the entire column, they are automatically inserted into the positioning mold. The positioning die rotates with the turntable and stays at different positions respectively. Put the paste to be filled into a sealed cone. Through the plunger type quantitative filling valve directly connected to the barrel, accurate and automatic filling of the paste can be realized. Intermittently stay at the filling station, and the pan continues to rotate. The hose filled with the material body is quickly brought to different tail sealing positions, and the robots at each station immediately seal the tail of the pipe. By adjusting the capacity adjustment table, different filling capacities can be obtained. By changing different manipulators, different folding forms such as two-folding, three-folding, saddle folding, etc. of metal tubes such as aluminum tubes can be completed, and the heat sealing of all plastic tubes and composite tubes can be completed. After sealing, the manipulator will automatically print the production date and batch number on the end of the pipe. Matters needing attention: In the whole process of filling and sealing, filling and sealing are two positions that need attention, because improper filling and sealing operations will directly lead to the problem of product leakage. When filling, the material should not contaminate the inner wall of the hose; when the tail is sealed, the pressure and temperature parameters on the equipment should be correctly selected, and combined with the processing window of the hose material, explore and set it to the best state. Otherwise, the surface of the hose will appear white, wrinkle, false seal or leakage. If there is a manufacturer that replaces the hose, pay attention to the diameter and tolerance of the hose produced, and adjust the size of the hot stamping head and cooling ring that match it in time to achieve the best sealing effect.
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