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New Cosmetic Tube Packaging Extruder


The new Cosmetic Tube packaging extruder is made of plastic and is rectangular in shape with a long mouth with a bell-shaped cross section along the central axis of the long side of the rectangle. The lower direction of the horn is provided with a slit, and the two ends of the length direction of the horn are provided with a narrow groove perpendicular to the central axis of the horn, so that the narrow slit of the horn has elastic pressure. The first is to make the tail of the tube easy to be inserted into the slot. The second is that when the extruder is pushed in, the material in the tube will be removed from the mouth of the tube and will not return to the empty rear surface of the tube. The new Cosmetic Tube packaging extruder is low cost to manufacture and easy to use and can be reused many times, which enables the product inside the Cosmetic Tube package to be fully utilized and reduces waste.

There are four typical structures of composite tube

There are four typical structures of plastic composite tubes:

1, polyethylene (outer layer)/adhesive resin (white)/vinyl vinyl alcohol/adhesive resin/polyethylene (inner layer).

2, polyethylene (outer layer)/adhesive resin (white)/polyester (or with SiO, A12O3 coating)/adhesive resin A1203 / polyethylene (inner layer).

3, polyethylene/adhesive resin (white)/polyester/adhesive resin.

4, polyethylene/adhesive resin/vinyl vinyl alcohol/adhesive resin/polyethylene. Composite tube vs. multilayer co-extrusion tube Stitted composite tube has many advantages over multilayer co-extrusion tube, but with the development of multilayer co-extrusion technology, this will change in the future.

Plastic tube packaging are used for food

Plastic Squeezed Tube packs facilitate the use of peanut butter by American families

The average American household consumes more than six pounds of peanut butter a year, and Skippy, a division of Unilever Bestfoods, hopes its new Squeez It will change that number.

Squeez It is packaged in 9 oz plastic tube. The Inverted Tube comes with a distinctive image from Seaguist Closures in the blue 38-400 Redispreadkippy packaging. The 21/8-inch polypropylene cover has an oval opening with a 0.731 inch L-shaped groove to evenly extrude Skippy fatty peanut butter.

The Tube label uses a cartoon image to show consumers how peanut butter can "fly off" or be squeezed out of the package without a knife. The label uses the original tone of the Skippy brand.

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