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How to make your custom cosmetic tubes Insta-friendly


Social media and technology have completely revolutionized the way we reach consumers thanks to its powerful connectivity features. Social media has become one of the easiest ways to reach your target audience. Social platforms allow brands to create their own identity, captivating customers through content worthy enough for sharing on social networking sites such as Instagram or Facebook. Custom cosmetic tubes from cosmetic tube manufacturers play an integral role in this process by attracting physically and aesthetically. It’s what grabs consumers’ attention when scrolling down your Insta or Facebook feed.

In today's world, where more people use smartphones than ever before, it makes sense why empty cosmetic tube has become so important. Brands can use social platforms like Instagram and Facebook as a place for connecting with customers, whether they be potential new clients or returning ones who missed out on an event like a special sale or launching. Well-produced custom cosmetic tubes by cosmetic tube manufacturers make sure that any content shared will also intrigue its intended audience, which means more eyes on what it has to offer.

How do you make your skincare tube packaging design stand out on social media?

The question has been asked before, but it's worth asking how a brand can ensure they share-worthy and not just obscurity in today’s visual-driven world. With platforms like Instagram being so visually focused, we need every little detail of our empty cosmetic tube to take advantage or else risk getting lost among all the other posts people share daily. If you want to make sure that your custom cosmetic tubes absolutely kill the Insta game, we have a few tips for you.

Impactful cosmetic tube design

One of the most important steps in designing social media-worthy custom cosmetic tubes is to create an impactful design contributed by cosmetic tube packaging suppliers. Remember that your users need a reason to want to share what they see with their friends on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. You can provide this by having compelling content and using photos that show off how your product is going to change their lives.

Tell stories through empty cosmetic tubes. The custom cosmetic tube design you use should arouse a feeling of something relatable. You can also use images related to a specific so your skincare tube can deliver its message more impactfully.

A successful brand will resonate with the customer and create an impact on their lives. A company’s empty cosmetic tubes must use value-added features to be truly effective, which can only happen if they align themselves closely enough with what customers expect from brands these days.

    A growing trend of minimalism in wholesale cosmetic tubes

    Minimalist custom cosmetic tubes have become popular in recent years, particularly among the younger generation. Though there is still a lot of nostalgia for flashy or flashy cosmetic tube designs, minimalistic empty cosmetic tubes are on trend right now and highly desirable by consumers looking to avoid clutter on their shelves. Minimalist packaging is a way to reduce the amount of graphics and text on your brand’s label. Pure branding, without unnecessary clutter, can distract from what you want people to perceive about your brand when they look at your skincare tube.

    The minimalist trend started because brands realized how many designs had become overwhelming over time. This turned some shoppers into confusion and potential buyers became turned off by heavy typography found within certain brands’ presentation methods. Minimalist custom cosmetic tubes were the only way they could come up with to reduce the amount of graphics and text on their brand’s label. 

    This minimalism trend will also aid your brand financially. It will decrease the weight of your product, which will ultimately lower your shipping costs. Minimalist custom cosmetic tubes also cost less during manufacturing. But the biggest benefit of all is its eco-friendliness. 

    Since you will be using less material on the empty cosmetic tubes, the overall carbon footprint of your brand will be lowered. The fossil fuels that you will save on shipping and manufacturing is a plus. So if all things considered, minimalist packaging is a win-win situation for everyone.

    Recognizable cosmetic tube packaging:

    Working with cosmetic tube packaging suppliers and branding your empty cosmetic tubes on social media are essential for them to be recognizable. To stand out on social media, brands need to find a way of being distinctive. Social Media users have lots of options so it's important for your brand logo and branding colors/style to remain recognizable throughout all channels. Survey what's already available in other stores and create something new that embodies the company's values while still being easily recognizable as an entity of your brand.

    So make sure that whenever a new potential customer comes to your Insta profile, he gets a unique vibe and feel from your brand that isn’t available anywhere else. This is what will compel them to try out your products.

    Experiential cosmetic tube packaging

    In the digital world, for cosmetic tube packaging suppliers, experiential cosmetic tube packaging is an innovative way to engage customers and create memorable experiences.

    In today’s society, we are constantly being bombarded with messages from every direction via social media posts or emails. It's no wonder that consumers have become more selective about what they give their attention to because too much information can be overwhelming. 

    Experiences, on the other hand, provide something unique, which makes them worth talking about online and in-person at home later down the line when discussing shopping amongst friends/family members. 

    So while designing custom cosmetic tubes, make sure that the consumer will enjoy unboxing or application experiences. You can include add-ons that will make the application of the product easier. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Just make a difference, no matter how small it is.

    Make your custom cosmetic tubes Insta-friendly:

    If you are a startup and feeling confused right now, don’t worry! If you have experienced cosmetic tube packaging suppliers by your side, designing Insta-worthy custom cosmetic tubes will be a walk in the park. We have been in this industry for long and we have helped many cosmetic brands to create effective cosmetic packaging for their social media pages. So if are in the need of any expert opinion, you can always reach us and we will help you out.

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