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Use and repair of plastic cosmetic tubes


The combination of the cosmetic tube and the cosmetic tube should be carefully managed. Do not drag on a sharp or abraded surface and do not kink or flatten, for example do not allow wheels to run over the Cosmetic tube. Pressure The pressure (including pulse pressure) applied to the Cosmetic Tube product shall not exceed the specified design working pressure. Temperature The product shall not be used at a temperature (including the temperature of the material being transported and the ambient temperature) outside the temperature range specified or recommended by the Cosmetic Tube manufacturing facility. Conveying material

The Cosmetic Tube and the Cosmetic Tube combination shall only be used for conveying materials designed for it. If there is any doubt about its suitability, ask the Cosmetic Tube factory. When conveying potentially dangerous materials, such as toxic, corrosive, explosive, flammable

Care should be taken in handling the material so as to minimize the effects of leakage and overflow. The transported material is required not to be filled in the Cosmetic Tube and Cosmetic Tube assemblies when not in use. Environmental Cosmetic Tube and Cosmetic Tube combination shall not be used in an environment other than the design requirements. If there is any doubt about its suitability or if it needs to be used under special or different conditions, this should be discussed with the Cosmetic Tube manufacturer. The bending radius shall not be used below the minimum bending radius specified or recommended by the Cosmetic Tube manufacturer which would limit the passage of the material being conveyed. Bending or contorting near the surface of the tube joint should be avoided as continuous bending in these areas would cause damage to the reinforced fatigue of the tube, The combination of the tube and the tube is generally not suitable for working in a twisted state! Tensile stresses Only in the case of a particular design shall the Cosmetic Tube and Cosmetic Tube combination be subjected to tensile stresses. If there is any doubt about the suitability of the Cosmetic Tube, ask the factory that manufactured the tube. Vibration Vibration can cause the tube and the tube assembly, especially near the joint, to be covered by fatigue and heat, resulting in premature ring damage of the tube assembly. It should be ascertained from the Cosmetic Tube manufacturer whether the tube is designed and manufactured to withstand vibration. End pipe coupling

Before proceeding with the installation of the end pipe joint, check that the joint is compatible with the Cosmetic tube and that the installation method is reliable. If in doubt, check with the manufacturer of the tube and end fittings for cosmetic. The edge of the pipe joint shall be smooth, and the tail part,


Collars and other accessories must be of guaranteed size to ensure effective sealing when properly installed. The pinch pressure and wrench amount must be controlled, otherwise insufficient or excessive pressure and torsion will cause premature loss of the assembly.

The bad. In order to facilitate the insertion of the pipe joint into the tube, it is recommended that clear or soapy water be used unless the tube stipulates that a material containing oil, grease or solvent may be transported. Note when inserting the Cosmetic tube into the pipe joint

Do not distort the cosmetic tube. Leakage After installation of the end pipe joint, a hydraulic test is required for the Cosmetic Tube assembly under the test pressure specified by the Cosmetic Tube in accordance with GB 5563 to check that the joint shall not leak and the pipe joint and the Cosmetic Tube shall not slip. Electrical performance test If the electrical performance of the combination of the covered tube and the covered tube is required, the test shall be carried out periodically according to GB 9572. Fixed assembly The fixed assembly of the Cosmetic Tube and Cosmetic Tube assembly shall, whenever possible, be supported with appropriate clamps. It is necessary to ensure that the tube moves normally (i.e. in a vacuum) and that the tube length changes and distortions are not restricted by the installation of the clip. Moving parts If the Cosmetic Tube and the Cosmetic Tube combination is used as a coupler in a moving part or assembly, the length shall be appropriate, not excessive and the tube shall not be subjected to a vibration load while moving, Clamping, friction, excessive bending or excessive stretching or twisting stress. If the mark is to be marked on the Cosmetic Tube with a matter defined by the standard for Cosmetic Tube or other marks, it is required that the mark be not marked directly on the Cosmetic Tube with paint and ink, but that the mark be marked with adhesive tape, In order that the solvents used in the production of these paints and inks are not suitable for maintenance with the sealant covering the Cosmetic Tube, the Cosmetic Tube and the Cosmetic Tube components shall be periodically tested or inspected to ensure their fitness for continued use unless the applicable rules and standards may be otherwise required by the contract. Particular attention shall be paid to the situation in or near the connection of the tube and to any deterioration of the tube due to the normal aging of the tube or damage caused by use, abuse or accident under abnormal conditions. Disqualified if the tube is covered with the following defects: a. Perforation, rupture, tear, exposure of reinforcement layer, ozone cracking; B. Local deformation, foaming and expansion under pressure; C. The tube is covered with soft and hard patches. When the tube sign is marked with an end date, the tube is monitored even if the tube is not showing signs of performance degradation. Repair of Cosmetic Tube

Generally, the tube is covered if it is broken and not repaired. However, if there is damage at the end of the Cosmetic Tube and the undamaged section of the Cosmetic Tube is long enough, the damaged section of the tube can be cut off and the pipe joint re-installed to deal with the Cosmetic Tube after installation

The assembly was tested again. Where repairs are possible, such as the use of large Cosmetic Tube, the economic benefits are considerable. Repair must be strictly adhered to the technical specifications of the Cosmetic Tube Factory and re-tested. This shall include, if necessary, testing of the electrical properties of the Cosmetic Tube under the pressure of the tube test.

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