The relationship between glass viscosity and temperature of cosmetic glass bottles

by:Lisson     2021-04-07

Due to the structural characteristics of the glass melt of the oral liquid glass bottle, there is a significant difference between the viscosity of the crystal and the change with the temperature. Molten metals and salts have little change in viscosity when they are higher than the melting point. When they reach the freezing point, the viscosity rises linearly due to the transformation from the molten state to the crystalline state. Oral Liquid Glass Bottle Glass liquid does not change much in viscosity at high temperatures; as the temperature decreases, the viscosity changes slowly, and when the temperature is low, the viscosity increases sharply. In the entire glass viscosity-temperature curve of oral liquid glass bottles, there is no sudden change in viscosity such as molten metal or salt at the freezing point. Although the collisions of temperature-viscosity curves of glasses with different compositions are similar, the behavior of the specific process is different. It is not difficult to see that the two kinds of oral liquid glass bottles have different viscosity changes with temperature changes, and they have different material properties. During the cooling process, the viscosity of the glass melt of the oral liquid glass bottle increases continuously, and the glass becomes hardened or fixed. During the cooling process, the increase in the viscosity of the glass liquid becomes the hardening speed. First of all, the hardening speed is related to the viscosity-temperature relationship of the glass itself. Obviously, the hardening speed of fast-setting glass must be higher, and the hardening speed of slow-setting glass is lower. Secondly, the hardening speed also depends on the cooling rate of the glass, and there are many factors that affect the cooling rate of the glass liquid, including the volume of the liquid glass, the surface area, the heat melting and head thermal performance, the radiation capacity of the liquid glass surface and the glass Liquid contact with the environment, etc.
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