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Common mistakes during cosmetic tube printing


Cosmetic tube printing is an excellent method of creating 3D printed squeeze tube designs. It's fast, easy to use and can produce results that are incredibly lifelike. However, it's not without its challenges. The biggest mistake that we see is people not understanding the limitations of cosmetic tube printing. This means that they don’t know what kinds of cosmetic tube designs are possible and which ones will fail. It also means that they don’t understand how to make those designs work for their specific materials, applications and goals.

Here are some common mistakes you should avoid when doing cosmetic tube printing:

Using a non-removable squeeze tube nozzle

 The most common mistake with cosmetic tube printing is using a non-removable nozzle. This will cause the plastic to build up on the tip of your printer, which can cause clogging and poor print quality. If this happens, you can use a drill or other tool to remove it from its location, but this is not an easy task, you may even have to file down some edges before doing so!

To prevent this problem from arising in the first place, make sure that all nozzles are removable! This will keep cosmetic tube packaging clean and ready for use at all times without having any issues like we mentioned above (and which may ruin your entire print).

Failing to keep the print bed level:

If you're printing a cosmetic tube, it's essential to keep the print bed level. This will help ensure that your print doesn't bow or shift when it cools and sets. The best way to do this is by checking the printer's leveling sensor before starting a print job. If this sensor doesn't sense any problems with your printer's platform height, you can use shims (small pieces of wood) underneath its base plate to raise it up so that one side sits higher than another side on top of an object being printed. This may seem counterintuitive at first but it really works!

If this isn't enough for you or if there are other issues preventing proper leveling from happening, then you might want to consider using an additional piece of material called "an incline pad" which helps level out small bumps in uneven surfaces like these ones:

Poor material selection or stock thickness:

When selecting the material for cosmetic tube packaging, you should consider how it will be used and how much pressure is placed on it during printing. If you're using a hot-air printer that uses an iron or heated print head to transfer ink onto paper, then you will need a material that can withstand high temperatures (up to 200 degrees Fahrenheit). The thickness of your stock also matters, the thicker it is, the longer it will take to dry after printing.
Overexposure to UV light:

To ensure the best results, you should make sure that your print is exposed to UV light for at least 4 hours. If there are any doubts about how long it will take, it's best to err on the side of caution and leave your cosmetic tube packaging in longer than necessary. The size of your tube will also affect how long it takes to cure. If you're printing a large design, you may need to leave it in the sun for up to 24 hours. 

It's best to avoid direct sunlight when possible, as this can cause discoloration over time. If you have a UV printer, you can use the manufacturer’s instructions to determine the best amount of time to expose your designs. If you don't have one, aim for around 4 hours or more.

If you've decided that overexposure isn't a problem for you, then there are other things that could go wrong during cosmetic tube printing:

Avoid these mistakes:

Make sure you're not making these cosmetic tubes manufacture mistakes.

●Use a removable nozzle, which will keep your print bed level and prevent any ink from being sucked into the head.

●Printing with the right material and thickness is important to ensure that your design looks good when printed out.

●Don't overexpose UV light during printing because it can cause damage to some parts of your design if exposed too long or too often (like steam).

We hope this article has helped you understand the common mistakes that can lead to poor tube printing results. 

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