The development of the plastic hose market is inseparable from the progress of plastic machinery

by:Lisson     2021-03-09
The development of the plastic hose market is inseparable from the progress of plastic machinery
There are four trends in the development of domestic plastic hose production, which are closely related to the fate of plastic hoses. There are many types of plastic hoses for beauty, especially for women. With the increasingly fierce competition in the cosmetics market, cosmetics manufacturers strive to expand their sales share of their products, and make great efforts in the packaging and promotion of cosmetics. The functions and functions of cosmetics are becoming more and more detailed, and there are more and more comprehensive cosmetics. The grade difference is very obvious, and the packaging form is dazzling. At the same time, in order to better promote their products, each company has carried out its own different classification and packaging suitable for its own characteristics. , Breaking through the boundaries of the original industry, plastic machinery has become a fixed mode of serving various industries, and it is developing in depth, which may lead to a transition to market consumption. However, we should pay attention to correct guidance. The capacity of the domestic mid- and low-end market will be squeezed down. Some companies will be split and reorganized. Some companies will reduce the proportion of plastic usage and turn to diversified operations. Some companies will avoid vicious domestic competition and open up foreign markets. . , If conditions permit, we will continue to develop our country's plastic pipe production line through joint ventures, cooperation and other methods, learn from foreign advanced products, processes and equipment, and vigorously improve the technical level. , Some manufacturers will gradually focus on the big market and big business. Although China is not yet a strong country in plastic machinery manufacturing, China's plastic machinery industry is redoubled efforts to promote industrial upgrading, strive to catch up with and exceed the world's advanced level, and move towards building a strong country in plastic machinery. Let China's plastic manufacturing companies play an important role in the world's plastics industry!
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