Reject cosmetic packaging

by:Lisson     2021-03-09
Reject cosmetic packaging
Everyone likes beautiful packaging design, but if only beautiful packaging products have no real value, then this seems untrue. How to make cosmetic packaging design back to the source is worthy of the designers' thinking! Product packaging design is the final step in converting products into commodities and selling them. The packaging is a product container. The packaging includes the design of structure and appearance. Therefore, it has a shell consistent with its content during transportation and has a perfect and moving image appearance during sales. The purpose is to meet people's needs. The mediocre design will eclipse the product, and the excellent packaging can make the product shine, increase the added value and stimulate the consumer's desire to buy. The packaging of cosmetics is a taciturn advertisement with obvious promotional effects. Its ultimate goal is to influence consumers' perceptions and behaviors, establish a brand image, and win marketing strategies. Products need packaging. Of course, companies need packaging. People also need packaging. Packaging makes products perfect. It is a perfect expression, but it also begins to have a utilitarian color, so it begins to become more and more unreal. Packaging should first provide protection functions for products in the production area, secondly provide convenience functions for the products in the circulation area, and finally provide sales functions for the products in the sales area. In the modern business society, with increasingly fierce competition, packaging should play such an important function. Therefore, manufacturers and enterprises attach great importance to the image of packaging, and packaging designers also have the opportunity to show their strength. With the continuous change of materials and the continuous update of technology, packaging design has made great progress. But in fact, a careful analysis will find that the existing packaging is so luxurious in terms of materials and circulation. When the product becomes a commodity and then becomes a consumable and appears in front of consumers, it has already produced too much waste. No packaging can escape the fate of becoming waste. Some people advocate the unpackaged approach, but this will cause many problems for the circulation of goods. As a packaging designer and manufacturer, you should consider what exactly is a packaging design? The most important function of packaging is to protect the goods, then beautify the goods and convey information. Therefore, the selection of packaging materials is an important step directly related to the protection of goods, which reduces the damage rate of goods during long-distance transportation. Packaging is divided into transportation packaging and sales packaging. A reasonable structure can make the packaging play their respective roles in transportation and sales. Paper is the most widely used packaging material. The shape of paper is also variable, and can be molded into various forms to protect the product. The structure of the carton packaging directly affects the state of the product and the convenience of transportation.
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