HaiNaZhou cosmetics bottle of well-known enterprises

by:Lisson     2020-06-10
HaiNaZhou cosmetics bottles of well-known enterprises 5, blow molding bottle: material for PET material. The lid, cover and screw cover points and consent. Blow molding is a direct blow into bottle embryo. There's one characteristic is bottle. The light is bright. 8, membrane can match pearl diaphragm to maintain the shape and the effect of the product. 1, cylinder temperature. The discretion of the narrow range of molding temperature and temperature of the PET will directly affect the performance of the products. If temperature is too low, the plasticizing is bad, make the plastic parts such as depression, lack of material defects; On the other hand, the temperature is too high, can cause excessive, nozzle salivate, darker color, mechanical strength drop, even cause degradation. Usually, the cylinder temperature control in 240 ~ 280 ℃, the glass fiber reinforced PET cylinder temperature is 250 ~ 290 ℃, shall not exceed 300 ℃, the nozzle temperature generally 10 to 20 ℃ lower than the cylinder temperature. Three is deepening the main pollutant emissions, changing unit decomposition according to administrative areas so as to control the total indicators, through the implementation of discharge permit system, establishing and perfecting the enterprise or business unit total amount control system, control in key river valleys and industrial, agricultural, life and the source pollutants. Four is to vigorously develop circular economy, promote park loop transformation, strengthen urban waste treatment and the comprehensive utilization of solid waste. Suggestion: BeiKong, water source, Mr Potier, sander, gezhouba dam; 2. Water quality DiBiao: day fosse, the bohai sea, south huitong, shares shares. Suggestion: ring can science and technology; 3. Landscaping: palm shares, Oriental garden, man. The original title of protecting the wind scale atmospheric pollution male AnXin opportunities emerge ( Source:) 。 【 Environmental protection industry dynamic online 】 Ten '' soil ground has been more than a year, soil restoration industry rapid development, competition forms first. Although soil repair many market participants and market structure dispersion, concentration is not high, to repair technology, soil the market is still not fully released, the market potential is tremendous, is expected to 'much starker choices-and graver consequences-in' market space about million. Second, continue to push forward the local municipal environmental protection supervision work. Prefecture-level mainly solve the problem of environmental responsibility in the county level, this is the job of difficulty and weakness. Through the formation of the two levels of supervision system, and promote formation of up and down with a higher power, coordination, linkage, should work in pattern. Third, build a long-standing mechanism to perfect the supervision work. Note: the specification classification expression such as emulsion pump: 24/4154, blended membrane ( The viscose 80%, other such as polyester 20%) Also more stick take to absorb less, used more widely. 1, cylinder temperature. The discretion of the narrow range of molding temperature and temperature of the PET will directly affect the performance of the products. If temperature is too low, the plasticizing is bad, make the plastic parts such as depression, lack of material defects; On the other hand, the temperature is too high, can cause excessive, nozzle salivate, darker color, mechanical strength drop, even cause degradation. Usually, the cylinder temperature control in 240 ~ 280 ℃, the glass fiber reinforced PET cylinder temperature is 250 ~ 290 ℃, shall not exceed 300 ℃, the nozzle temperature generally 10 to 20 ℃ lower than the cylinder temperature. From the service industry, the need to provide a large number of policy support and planning. Should be good policy and fair competition system, and encourage technology innovation environmental protection enterprises. As soon as possible for the formation, is a green development; For industrial and polluting enterprises, is a green supply chain. The future is crucial for the development of the environmental protection industry in the visible hand and find a balance between market invisible hand. Once formed by the high quality enterprise for nutrition, for small and medium-sized enterprises (smes) successors power even market operation. The development of the whole industry will be gradually on the right track. In fact, both policy frequently fall to the ground, and industry, the nature of these actions is to thoroughly soil repair industry market, the maturity and development for the road ahead. 'Henan environmental inaction, slow as problems also. The province is accountability number more than 1200 people. This round into the provinces have what problem. — — Beijing in October this year for the air 'ten city' it is important to note that the second batch of protection inspectorate in 7 provinces, struggle fog hit the capital, Beijing is also included. After the environmental exposure draft, to impose green taxes in accordance with the provisions of the protection of tax law, no longer a pollutant discharge fee. In green taxes in the draft, and lists the tax breaks. Clearly put forward the draft, for example, to encourage enterprises to pollutants through the use of advanced technology, the taxpayers discharge atmospheric pollutants and water pollutant density less than 50% or local regulations of pollutant discharge, impose a protective tariff in half. The personnel handling the case, the case if not environmental intervention, situation is likely to be like this: the environmental protection department to enter homes, the door doesn't open, the propaganda should not be, may even KangFa rushed out of the bunch; Even if the environmental protection department took the water sample test, but after a few days to finish the program over the case, the suspect had fled. Large capacity to use glass, because the store for a long time, suitable for small capacity of PP short-term storage. Most no perfume PCTA and PETG. 1, molding auxiliary refers to maintain the mould temperature equipment. Mold temperature to maintain products play an important role. Average body temperature is high, the bottom temperature is low. For cold bottle, due to its at the bottom of the cooling effect determines the degree of molecular orientation, at 5 - temperature control 8 ℃ is preferred; While thermal bottle at the bottom of the temperature is much higher.
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