La shan au plastic packaging production factory

by:Lisson     2020-06-09
Good au plastic packaging production factory if mold temperature control is not good or improper material temperature control, easy to produce white mist and not. Die temperature low and uniform, cooling speed, less crystal products. 3, the injection pressure. Good PET melt flow, easy molding, usually USES the medium pressure, the pressure is 80 ~ 140 mpa, glass fiber reinforced PET injection pressure is 90 ~ 150 mpa. Should consider the determination of injection pressure, viscosity of PET, the amount and type of packing, the location and size of gate, the shape of the plastic parts, mold temperature, injection molding machine type and size, etc. 'There are many production process, easy to pollution, unfriendly, management cost is high, the auspicious god chemical industry using the method of process pollution less easy to handle, but the cost is more expensive than process per ton or yuan. Entering the field of chemical found god, it turns out that there are so many enterprises to adopt technology on the market, have a plenty of the device and equipment of the 1980 s. Intensive policy and the public on clear water, blue sky just need to be greatly boosted the bearing of the environmental protection industry, to promote and regulatory policy reversed transmission features of environmental protection industry ushered in the new development opportunity. Over the same period issued much starker choices-and graver consequences-in energy-saving environmental protection industry development plan, also pointed out that, to focus on developing energy saving and environmental protection industry to strengthen pollution work, such as atmosphere, water, soil, etc. Ji-ning Chen stressed that this plan will carry out once or twice again specific inspection of the entire area, keep a high pressure situation,. Environmental supervision to layers of conduction pressure around half past five yesterday afternoon, minister of ji-ning Chen in channel, in view of the problems in the first quarter of this year the air specific inspection, conducted more than 6 minute answer. Previously, the daily economic news 'reporter learned that when local research in areas such as analysis, monitoring, inspection, the use of some equipment is imported is given priority to, especially in some parts of the core of environmental protection equipment, few can domestic products and imported products to form the competition. Guo Jing think, so many years of development, it should be said that in the conventional pollution control technology in China has made great progress. 8, screen printing with ordinary ink and UV ink, UV ink effects, luster and stereo feeling, should first play when production version to confirm color, screen printing effect will be different in different material. Copper is about 500 yuan/set - RMB 800 / set, depending on the different manufacturers and production quantity order, such as a single blister area of small-scale production manufacturer but make it a rush of 4 - 8 the finished product. When open mold must provide physical model, in order to match the blister can deserve to go up beautiful or white silk together, blister also can use different density of sponge or replace pearl cotton, sponge has a variety of color, white sponge appearance will long hair is yellow, and in material transportation and warehouse inventory accounts for a large space. A, PVC, half, grind arenaceous effect or multicolor thickness of 0. 12mm— 0. 8 mm this round of consolidation is bound to eliminate some technical capacity and market competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises. It certainly helps pump industry market concentration and market order. In addition, in the past, the centrifugal pump manufacturing industry in our country imports more, mainly is the restriction of the domestic technology level, the export product market competitiveness is weak. Beijing council for the promotion of ecological design and green manufacturing, and other institutions also called for a scale of billions of 'green design and manufacturing of industrial products industry development', driven by investment every link of upstream and downstream industry, technology, projects, promote green product and application, key technology demonstration to promote green design major. Therefore, our country's environmental protection enterprise began to try to overseas mergers and acquisitions, 'capital for technology', implements the industrial layout. Have been expand overseas tianxiang, as early as 2014 successful m&a have thermal hydrolysis, digestion and phosphorus sludge resource recovery of the global patent technology of German group company; In August 2015, tianxiang took the separation of the global environmental protection equipment manufacturing and engineering to his hand. Now these problems are still in, urgent need at the same time of Marine resources, effectively protect the Marine ecology. In the field of wetland protection, the bulletin shows that the wetland protection work in 2016 and 2015, the new pilot several new wetland protection and wetland park area fell slightly. Intensive policy and the public on clear water, blue sky just need to be greatly boosted the bearing of the environmental protection industry, to promote and regulatory policy reversed transmission features of environmental protection industry ushered in the new development opportunity. Over the same period issued much starker choices-and graver consequences-in energy-saving environmental protection industry development plan, also pointed out that, to focus on developing energy saving and environmental protection industry to strengthen pollution work, such as atmosphere, water, soil, etc. 10, screen printing film to Yin, graphic effect for black color, background color, bronzing, hot silver process to a positive, graphic effect for, background color for the black color. Text and design ratio cannot be too small too thin, otherwise the printing effect. D, PETG ( Environmental protection material) Flocking high frequency and the thickness of 0. 2mm— 0. 8 mm this phase is to place already preheated bottle embryo to ready mold, for its high pressure gas, blow the bottle embryo into the bottle.
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