pros and cons of plastic cosmetic packaging - cosmetics

by:Lisson     2020-02-19

Nowadays, there are many kinds of materials for packaging cosmetics, both natural and synthetic;These mainly include paper, plastic, glass, aluminum, wood and bamboo.However, the most widely used of these packaging materials is plastic.What makes plastic packaging so popular in the cosmetics industry?Let\'s explore the reasons for the increasing popularity of plastic cosmetic packaging by studying the pros and cons.There has been a huge change in plastic cosmetic packaging, and if we compare the plastic packaging of the past with the plastic packaging of the present, this is obvious.Packaging and sealing methods are other obvious changes in addition to color and design.The most significant difference, however, is that today\'s creaturesDegradation plastic is widely used in cosmetic packaging.Nowadays, whether it is a cosmetic manufacturer or a cosmetic packaging manufacturer, plastic is a consistent choice for cosmetic packaging.The reason behind this is that it has a lot of benefits compared to other packaging materials.Here are some of the advantages of using plastic for cosmetic packaging.-Compared with the past, the cost of plastic today is relatively high.This is because the plastic we use today is oil.As the price of raw materials rises, the price of plastics increases.It is still the most affordable packaging material.It becomes cheaper when using plantsPlastic products are rampant.-The plastic is durable because it will neither rust nor rot naturally.In addition, it is strong and durable, and can withstand the destruction of acid, sugar and salt to a large extent.-The plastic is light in weight and easy to handle.If we compare this property to the property of the glass, this is a huge advantage.-The plastic has the function of waterproof, tear-proof and break-proof.This makes it easier to manage, transport and store.An important factor in covering up all positive properties of plastic is the ecological problemfriendliness.With massive environmental pollution making life on Earth more challenging, using non-natural materials --Friendship is absolutely bad for our planet.Let\'s take a look at what are the drawbacks of using plastic as a packaging material, and how it behaves on environmental degradation issues.Although all the positive attributes of plastic make it the most suitable material for cosmetic packaging, it lost the game on ecological issuesfriendliness.Recyclable and bio compared to past plasticsThe biodegradable plastic used today is much better, but still not enough to contain the threat of plastic.This is due to the different kinds of plastics used today, including Pitt, high density polyethylene, PS, PVC, low density polyethylene and PP, and not all plastics are easily recycled.In this case, it seems that the effective way is to combine recycling with reducing consumption.But is this the only solution?No.Nowadays, cosmetic manufacturers and cosmetic packaging manufacturers are increasingly using plastic to make containers such as gas-free pumps, therapeutic pumps, milk pumps and foamer, and can\'t blame them considering the benefits of using plastic in cosmetic packaging.At the same time, the impact of plastic on the environment should never be forgotten.In this case, the most effective solution is to use only recyclable resin such as Pitt, high density polyethylene and PS in cosmetic packaging.This will definitely end the threat of plastic.
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