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Ways to make your cosmetic tube packaging cooler than the others


Does the outer face of a cosmetic product truly matter?

The appearance of a cosmetic brand is the first thing people notice. Even if the product is all organic and natural but the packaging design is not appealing, people will not consider buying that cosmetic product.

The design logo of your brand and the cosmetic tube packaging should be attractive and minimalistic. The readability of the product packaging should be 100/100. Most cosmetic tube suppliers are constantly working to improve their product packaging. Creating variations can always help to grasp an excellent cliental.

The beauty product a company is manufacturing and for which age group the beauty brand is producing should reflect in its style or design of the packaging.

Here are a few ways to create the perfect custom cosmetic tubes that are eye-catching.

Grasp the customer audience

The foremost thing is to see carefully what your beauty brand’s consumers want. See what they are demanding and then produce the packaging design. Check out who the ideal customer is for the beauty brand.

 If it’s a boy brand, then the colors you should use will be black, white, blue, green, red, and grey, and if it’s a girl brand, then the color scheme should be varying. If the beauty line is for teenage girls, such as facewashes, lotions, and mists, the colors must be funky and vibrant. Use lighter and subtle colors to tackle a middle age group.

Create a mood board

When you start thinking of designing a specific beauty product, the first thing you should do is create a mood board. A mood board helps gather all the ideas and thoughts in one place so you can easily take a look at all of them and create the best design packaging. Combining all colors, images, types of materials, advertisements, and whatever you feel is the best for packaging design will help you.

The more you look at the brand’s mood board, the more inspiration you’ll have to create a cooler design packaging than Micheal Jackson.

  • See what trends beauty brands are following.

  • Before you create a design, check out all other beauty brands related to the beauty product your brand is making. Don’t precisely copy the creation of another brand but take bits and pieces of ideas from other beauty product’s packaging. For example, if you are looking for a design packaging from cosmetic tube manufacturer for a shea butter lotion, look for all other manufacturing shea butter brands and gather all design ideas to create the best one for your brand.

How to create cooler custom cosmetic tube packaging?

1.Minamlistic and unique

While designing the top cover, choose a minimalistic design, nothing that comprehensively covers all the labels. Keep some empty spaces to give a neat look. Simple design is the new trend. Try using one or two colors to define the product. Too many colors will make the packaging look haphazard. Simple and unique packaging from custom cosmetic tube manufacturer with a minimalistic design looks cooler than ever.

2.Intricate lines

Using fine lines and details makes the cosmetic packaging a lot cooler. That sleek and thin line, typically hand made will immediately grasp the audience’s attention. A cool geometric design gives a neat look. Creating the design more appealing is drawing the topmost ingredient used in the product with a fine pencil.

  • 3.Logo on custom cosmetic tube

  • Give extra attention to the logo but don’t make it so messy that people cannot read the correct name. A logo defines quite a lot about a brand. If the brand is specifically for teenage girls, then the logo should be bold and happening, but if it is for women above 30, then the logo should be subtle and simple to read.

  • 4.Using warm florals

  • This kind of packaging perfectly suits a perfume brand. It gives a very earthy and vintage type of look that attracts many customers.

  • 5.Plain matte black and white

  • A brand specially designed for men would look perfect in plain matte black packaging. Guys are not primarily concerned about packaging, and the only color that attracts them is black.

  • Hopefully, these ideas will help your beauty brand look cooler and attract a good customer line—best of luck.

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