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What to keep in mind while choosing the color tone of your cosmetic tube containers


When some brands are in the process of designing their cosmetic tube containers made by leading cosmetic tube manufacturers, they fall into the trap of selecting colors based on their taste preference or what is currently “IN” the market.

According to a study published by the Journal of Consumer Research, color of cosmetic tubes is as important as price or quality when you're trying to make a sale.

Just as every color has its own value and meaning, each one also has an effect on people's emotions and behaviors. In fact, research shows that up to 90 percent of snap judgments made about products can be based on color alone.

Choosing the right colors for your cosmetic packaging tubes is one of the most crucial decisions you will make when creating a cosmetic brand. Depending on what type of message you want to portray, you can use the psychology behind color to help create that image.

Choosing the colors of your wholesale cosmetic tubes isn't as simple as you think. Each color influences our emotions, actions and how we respond to things in a different way. If you can understand these different effects, you can use these colors to influence your customers’ thoughts on your product!

Colors can set a tone for the brand and product, which builds up brand recognition and association. The type of colors your brand chooses to use should be based on the feelings you want your customers to associate with your products or services. Most of the cosmetic tube packaging suppliers overlook this important factor while designing and creating cosmetic squeeze tubes. But not us! Following are a few of the tricks that we have used to give our clients the utmost satisfaction with the color scheme of their cosmetic packaging tubes.

How to find the perfect color tone?

The color of your cosmetic tube containers can be the deciding factor whether a consumer buys your product or not. While your product needs to stand out in a store, it also needs to attract consumers on a personal level. 

This can be achieved by using colors that allow your cosmetic squeeze tubes to stand out while also appealing to consumers with an emotional response.

To get the most out of your wholesale cosmetic tubes, it's important to consider the following:

Consider your brand color:

The first thing that you need to consider is your brand color. It’s the color that identifies your brand and that’s why it should be visible on your squeeze tube packaging too. As a result, you will strengthen the recognition of your brand among consumers.

Define your target demographic:

You can’t do any marketing without defining your target demographic. You have to know who you are targeting with your product. The age group, gender, or location can determine which colors will work best for your cosmetic packaging tubes.

Do some market research about what appeals to your target audience based on demographic and geographic factors. If you're not sure where to start, you can get help from cosmetic tube packaging suppliers like us and we will help you out. On average, women tend to prefer shades of red, blue and green over other colors while men tend to prefer shades of blue and green over other colors. People with higher incomes also tend to prefer shades of blue over other colors, while people with lower incomes prefer shades of purple, orange and green over other colors.

Research on the current market:

It’s also important to think about the current market and competition in it. For example, if you notice that most of your competitors are using similar colors in cosmetic tube containers, it’s not a good idea to go with that same color. On the other hand, if they are using bright colors and you want to stand out, choose neutral tones like white or black.

You can learn a lot about color trends by looking at what other designers have created.

Think about the product:

What type of product are you selling? What emotion do you want people to feel when they see it? The color palette used on the packaging should be chosen based around these questions as well as what resonates with your target audience and what's trending in the current market.

Factors to consider:

We all know that in business, first impressions are everything. This is especially true for cosmetic squeeze tubes packaging.

There are many elements that go into custom cosmetic tube designing the perfect wholesale cosmetic tubes. When it comes to color, you need to pay attention to the impact it has on your customer’s buying decision. There have been several studies that indicate that makeup squeeze tube packaging color is a key factor in influencing a consumer’s purchase.

The color of the cosmetic tube packaging should reflect what is inside:

When it comes to the color of your makeup tube packaging, you need to think about how it will affect a customer’s perception of your product. For example, a crisp, bright color can make fruit juice look refreshing and vibrant while a dark, muted color can make an energy drink look powerful and strong.

Don’t make it difficult for the consumer to read labels:

Once you have settled on a color scheme, you need to ensure that any information printed on the package is readable. Avoid using black text on a dark background or vice versa. Instead, you can use contrasting colors that are easily readable.

Give the product a personality:

Every color has different properties and associations. For example, red denotes passion and excitement whereas blue is associated with calmness and serenity. You can use this knowledge of color psychology to give your product a distinct personality that appeals to your target audience.

Use color to appeal to emotions:

Studies show that people decide whether they like a particular product in less than 90 seconds and almost 90% of their assessment is based on the color alone! Therefore, it’s extremely important that you choose your cosmetic tube packaging color wisely because it plays an important role in attracting consumers’ attention and triggering their emotions such as trust or excitement.

As well as giving your product a personality, you can also try to appeal directly to customers’ emotions by using specific colors. Blue has been found to create feelings of trustworthiness while yellow evokes feelings of happiness.

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