Six characteristics of cosmetic packaging design

by:Lisson     2020-09-18

Products have certain differences, among which cosmetics are the most obvious.
Cosmetic besides the qualitative difference of product itself, still have class different.
In order to distinguish the grade of cosmetics, people often use different packaging materials and ways to reflect.
With the aggravation of the cosmetics market competition and the development trend of the packaging design industry, people have put forward different requirements on the packaging materials, packaging containers and design requirements of cosmetic packaging.
We summarize six main features of cosmetic packaging design.

1. Diversified specifications of cosmetic packaging containers.

As the competition in the cosmetics market intensifies, the manufacturers are investing more and more in the packaging of cosmetics.
For middle and low grade cosmetics, in order to meet different needs, the capacity of packaging containers presents diversification, so as to facilitate the choice of consumers;
For high-end products, small capacity packaging is adopted to meet the needs of low-income people, especially to meet the curiosity of young girls and consumer psychology.
Therefore, through different packaging containers, to meet different levels of consumption.

2. Serialization of cosmetics package design.

The so-called serialized packaging design refers to the same category of commodity packaging design based on the premise of uniform trademark pattern and text font, with different colors, water lines or different modeling structures as the keynote, which requires different in the same, different in the same, both diversified and integrated.
In the practical application of cosmetic packaging, there are generally two situations:

First, the cosmetics with the same brand and different functions are packaged in a series to facilitate the purchase of consumers, while making the overall price lower than the total price of individual purchases.
For example, a series of cosmetics of a certain brand should be kept in the overall design style. Then, a large container is adopted to pack all kinds of cosmetics for overall sales as a sales unit.

Second, a series of cosmetics with the same brand and the same main function but with different auxiliary functions, or a series of cosmetics with the same brand and the same function but with different formulations, which are carried out in the packaging design.
For example, a variety of moisturizer of a certain brand, its main function is to protect skin, but the auxiliary function is different, again if a variety of cleanser of a certain brand, its function is cleanser, but the formula that makes is different.
For this series of cosmetics, the packaging design should conform to the characteristics of the series of packaging design, not only to achieve the role of the series of packaging, but also conducive to the choice of consumers.

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New Zealand HEALTH BASICS cosmetics Package design appreciation

3. Plastic materials and composite materials are increasingly applied in cosmetic packaging, and the modeling design of packaging containers, especially plastic bottles, tends to be diversified.

The use of glass bottles is limited.

Due to the intrinsic defects of glass bottles (e.g., than the major, fragile, etc.) for general cosmetics, if use plastic material or composite material instead of glass containers for packaging, plastic containers or composite containers are often adopted to packaging, for high-end cosmetics or volatile and vulnerable cosmetics fragrance, such as perfume, general or using glass bottle to packing.

5. Some cosmetics, such as mousse and perfume, adopt spray packaging to facilitate the use of consumers.
Cosmetic packaging pays more and more attention to the structural design of containers and accessories design, so that consumers in a variety of environments easy to hold, easy to use, easy to quantify.

More and more, the packaging of cosmetics should meet the needs of personalized development.

The package of cosmetics must convey the characteristics of cosmetics required by different individual consumption demands correctly, and show the aesthetic taste of different groups of people, so as to realize the sale of cosmetics smoothly.

Analysis of the characteristics of cosmetic packaging design
Analysis of the characteristics of cosmetic packaging design
As an important commodity in the field of women's consumption, cosmetics' packaging design plays an important guiding role in modern women's consumption perspective.
Affective as the background, based on the modern women's consumption on the artistic characteristics of cosmetic packaging design has carried on the further discussion, cosmetic packaging design aims to research the cultural features and brand effect, human nature, to the current cosmetic packaging design, packaging materials, packaging containers of human performance of far-reaching decoration design, etc.
Mastering these changing features will be helpful for cosmetics packaging design to cater to modern women's consumer sentiment under the new economic conditions and explore new expression styles of cosmetics packaging design.

1. Cultural characteristics of cosmetic packaging design

Culture originates from the Ancient Book Zhou Li, a Confucian classic, in which there is a saying that 'one should observe the humanities to become the world'. Since ancient times, China has attached great importance to the leading role of culture in human beings and society.
In artistic design, culture is the general tendency and tone of values, aesthetic and emotional views, which influences people's value judgment and aesthetic taste subtly.
In modern times, the combination of packaging design art and modern science and technology makes it a comprehensive creative art activity that promotes and penetrates each other. It can be said that packaging is a material carrier containing design culture elements, which requires designers to achieve the perfect unity of cultural connotation and design form.
With the integration of contemporary nationalization and internationalization, a package design work wants to stand out, it must perfectly reflect the cultural connotation and artistic characteristics in the package design.
If the packaging design works discard the cultural connotation by virtue of performance skills, it is bound to be water without a source, and will inevitably be empty and boring and lose vitality.
Cosmetics packaging design with strong national cultural characteristics and cultural deposits can meet the aesthetic needs of domestic consumers, causing people's attention.
Therefore, the cultural image of the enterprise is reflected in the design of cosmetics packaging, and the cultural characteristics of product packaging will inject strong vitality into the product and make it different.

2. Brand effect of cosmetic packaging design

Brand effect refers to the phenomenon that can bring new economic utility to the owner or operator caused by the intangible asset of famous brand or strong brand.
In daily life, some consumers are 'not famous brand do not buy'.
The reason lies in the fact that brand products are a symbol of high quality and high reputation, which can bring the use value and credibility to consumers by pooling the spirit style and characteristics of enterprises.
When women buy cosmetics, they mainly rely on the brand effect to trigger the purchase behavior.
If a brand is well known, consumers will buy it for its value, even if they are not using it.

A brand can be a belief, and a well-known brand brings a commitment to safety to the buyer and helps the consumer identify and choose the product.
To achieve a good brand effect, an enterprise must reflect the unique connotation of the brand, not only to establish a distinctive image and temperament, but also to improve product quality, in terms of publicity and visual communication to consumers intuitive information.

The connotation of brand culture is the root of enterprise vitality, and packaging is the comprehensive embodiment of brand culture and product characteristics, which is directly related to consumers' cognition of products and plays a crucial promotion role in the sales process.
Packaging for product image design, packaging design is the most intuitive embodiment of corporate brand image.
The successful introduction of clear brand information for enterprises is also for the purpose of setting up the corporate image and improving the added value and competitiveness of products.
The charm of brand effect lies in the fact that consumers first identify with brand products and generate trust and high-quality emotions before they enjoy aesthetic experience in a symbolic sense other than product consumption.
Most of the images of cosmetics brands are dominated by women. Brand culture and packaging design are also important dimensions for female consumers to pay attention to. Their consumption behavior has become an activity for buyers to obtain the symbolic significance of brand image.
Therefore, the brand effect of products and corporate culture should be reflected in the design of cosmetics packaging in order to win the heart of female consumers.

3. Humanized features of cosmetic packaging design

The so-called 'humanization' is the people-oriented concept, which is the expression of the emotion, life and personality of the design works injected by designers, and gives human factors to the form and function of the design objects.
We should pay attention to consumers' emotional tendency of consumption, express and carry abstract emotional sustenance with tangible material and external forms, and take this as the creation motive of product design, so that the works can meet consumers' double needs spiritually and emotionally.
'Humanization' emphasizes the respect for human nature and humanistic care in design, while human needs constantly promote the development of design and provide the driving force for design creation.
There is no doubt that packaging design plays an important role in satisfying people's spiritual needs and mediating emotions. The humanized characteristics of packaging design depend on the internal requirements of human needs on packaging design.

The humanized features of cosmetics packaging design are mainly reflected in the form and function of the design. It needs to explore the changes from the appearance of packaging materials and color decoration, so as to stimulate people's psychological resonance and strong emotional experience in the modeling design, and achieve the effect of 'moving with love'.
In addition, the excellent idea of humanistic care, such as equality and care, can be endowed in the functional attributes. Through the functional elements, the design can be developed and exploited to create products that are convenient for people, so that people can feel the warm and kind real emotions, namely the 'touching with justice' expressed in the works.
In addition, appropriately named can also reflect the humanized characteristics of the design of goods, language and design goods clever combination of new consumer cognition and brand style to achieve the 'famous recognition of things' design objectives.
Therefore, in the process of humanized characteristics of cosmetic packaging design, only by combining the use function and form elements of the product, can the humanized design concept embodied in the packaging design works be reflected.

Based on the above situation and the development trend of cosmetics and its packaging, the modern cosmetics packaging presents different characteristics in the selection of packaging materials and containers, the structural design of packaging containers and the decoration design of packaging containers.
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