About cosmetic packaging information change for the record

by:Lisson     2020-05-17
Cosmetics for filing work although it is not difficult to but more complicated, and often control regulations, but I still have no way to determine, for example the following these questions: Q1 cosmetics companies to the business license have been changed, but not involved, certificate and a variety of product packaging changes online inventory old address packaging can normal transition cost? Product label information should be consistent with the registered information. Q2 cosmetics are not put on record, entrusted party both sides have completed online registration, except during on-site audit, the entrusted party has passed, but the client did not do on-site audit in time or to disclose the information is not complete by the drug safety system rather than a product quality problem point shall be ordered to make correction, now in the sales of the product can normal sales? Please according to the content of the regulatory requirements to carry out the rectification, the supervision and inspection after completed in time for the record. Q3 except for the record, in the process of early for the entrusting party and the entrusted processing production, to put on record, put on record to appoint a trustee for customer demand after adjustment, the early stage of the product development, entrusted archival filing form into independent production, due to the inventory of material is marked in the form of commission entrusted party, preliminary committee did not cancel the entrusted archival filing form, a product at this time there are two kinds of compliance can be normal sales registration form? Please cancel the original record information, to record the above products. Q4 except for the record has been completed cancellation cosmetics, so the product is production date before the cancellation but normal sales until the end of its shelf life? For the record before the cancellation of the record of products already on the market, sales until the end of shelf life. Q5 children, pregnant women cosmetics except for the record has been done and toxicology inspection, whether also need to do a review, risk material will also need to test? 'Need, 10 documents ( 7) Reference on the printing of the cosmetics of the security risk material risk assessment guide notice ( The food drug safety xu [2010] no. 339) Requirements for risk assessment. Can fully confirm product safety risk assessment results, can be exempted from related toxicological test of the products. 'The understanding of the clause is that if the risk assessment can prove the product safety, can be from relevant toxicology test, not understand it, do the relevant toxicology test, can from risk assessment, risk of product evaluation or want to do. Q6 domestic except for the record need to upload the information in the Internet, in addition to the stereo image, product formulation, product plan, whether to need to upload the following information in the additional information, such as: ( 1) Products that certificate of origin ( 2) With foreign trademark in the product name, whether you need to upload the trademark registration certificate. ( 3) Organic products claim that if we need to upload the organic certificate ( 4) Whether you need that so-and-so laboratory research and development, proof. ( 1) Is; ( 2) A registered trademark, can have English description in the specification; ( 3) Organic products that need enough proof material, and upload the organic certificate must be widely accepted; ( 4) Needs. Q7 customer want to use in the production of an elite fluid and powder collocation of mask, the packing way is for the same aluminum bag, when using the essence of the upper part must be in the lower part of the aluminum bag. The essence in our production, powder production in other company. How can this kind of product for the record, please? The last line of actual production enterprise's judgment to contact content production enterprises shall prevail. Q8 products through the record after: 1, change the net content of product information, such as: the original record information net content is: 25 ml, now want to change to: 30 ml or 30 g. Should be how to get to the program? 2, the follow-up products raw material percentage change ( But does not include the raw material of restricted substances, such as preservative materials) For the record, you need to do inspection? 1 q should go for the record change program, 2 cases of products need to be put on record. Q9 gift should record whether small sample not for sale? Parts don't have to put on record. Not for sale also need to put on record, sales of all packaging must be put on record. Q10 that privacy, wash protect ( No claim that bacteriostatic) How to put on record of the product? Cosmetics refers to daub, spray or other similar methods, spreading in all parts of the body surface, such as skin, hair, nails, lips, etc. , in order to achieve the cleaning and maintenance, beauty, modification and change the appearance, or modified the body odor, maintain a good state for the purpose of chemical industrial products and fine chemical products. Private parts belong to the mucous membrane, not the body surface, so do not belong to the cosmetics. Q11 our products distribution directly to filling the sale of raw materials, products for the record? According to the independent production report for the record.
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