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5 Non-aesthetic factors that can make or break your cosmetic tube packaging


The cosmetic industry has a number of unique challenges when it comes to cosmetic tube packaging for cosmetic tubes manufacturer. There is the challenge of attracting customers, which includes shelf appeal and product information. The cosmetic tube also needs to protect the product from damage and keep it fresh for as long as possible. 

It's easy to get caught up in the details of choosing your cosmetic tube packaging design. But in order to ensure a successful product, you'll need to look beyond the aesthetic elements and pay attention to the squeeze tube packaging's functionality, too.

The aesthetics of your cosmetic product's squeeze tube packaging can be a major selling point, but many other factors are equally important to consider when you're choosing a squeeze tube packaging design and production method.

Of course, your cosmetic packaging squeeze tubes should look visually appealing and attractive, but it also needs to be practical for your customers. 

It's easy to get caught up in the aesthetic design of the cosmetic packaging tubes. You want your product to stand out on the shelves and entice customers to pick it up and try it out. However, while the design is certainly an important factor, there are other components that can make or break your product's success. In order to ensure that you're considering all of these factors, cosmetic tubes manufacturers strongly recommend focusing on the following areas too!


In order to ensure that your cosmetic packaging tubes will be viable, you must test all of your products thoroughly and repeatedly. There are several types of testing for cosmetic squeeze tubes wholesale for cosmetic tube manufacturers. Expiration and stability tests ensure that your product does not deteriorate over time, while functionality tests make sure that your product performs as intended. 

Other types of testing include sensory testing, which helps you understand how your customers feel about the cosmetic tube packaging, microbiological testing to make sure there is no contamination in the product, and environmental impact tests to understand if there are any negative ramifications for the environment from using your product.

Durability and strength: 

As the old saying goes, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression." If your cosmetic tube packaging isn't durable enough to stand up to the rigors of shipping, it's possible that your customers will receive damaged products and have a poor first impression of your company.

You might think that the most important factors in cosmetic squeeze tubes wholesale are aesthetic ones, but you'd be wrong. Durability and strength go a long way toward ensuring successful cosmetic packaging. Durability ensures that the product will arrive intact at its destination, and strength ensures that it won't be damaged under normal conditions of use. 

Type of closure: 

Another important factor in cosmetic squeeze tubes wholesale is whether you use a twist-up or screw-top lid. These two types of lids require different manufacturing processes, but when it comes to end usage, both are popular with consumers. It all depends on personal preference, so it's up to you to decide which type of lid would be best for your customers.

The type of closure is also important. Choose your closures based on their appropriateness for the product's consistency and intended usage. Such non-aesthetic factors can help make your cosmetic tube more successful. At the end of the day, consumers are attracted to products that look good and work well for their intended purpose.

Cosmetic squeeze tube packaging that is difficult to open wastes time and frustrates customers. If you want people to keep coming back for more, make it easy for them to access their products. 


Although you might think that marketing and advertising only come into play after your products are created and packaged, savvy businesses know that the two should go hand-in-hand from the beginning. Why? Because marketing should influence your cosmetic tube design from the start. Once you have an idea of what kind of audience you're targeting, and how you want to reach them, it can help guide your decision about things like how to style your packaging and how much to spend on it (for example, if you're targeting a younger crowd, something that's more whimsical might be better). 

You'll also need to know what kind of marketing strategy will work best for your business before choosing cosmetic tube packaging.

Marketing is very important for the sale of a product. Anything that can be done to make it stand out from the competition will help to increase sales. Wholesale cosmetic squeeze tube packaging plays an important role in marketing a cosmetic product as it serves as a tool for promoting its attributes and benefits, and also helps to differentiate it from other products on the shelf. Therefore, it is extremely important to consider marketing factors while selecting cosmetic tube packaging material.

    Cosmetic tube packaging material:

    Material is another important non-aesthetic factor for successful cosmetic squeeze tubes wholesale packaging. The material you choose to package your cosmetics in should not only be attractive but also durable and safe. It is important to choose the best quality packaging materials because any undesirable substances that are present in the materials can leach into your products, potentially causing allergic reactions or other problems for your customers. Cheaper materials are often a false economy because they won't last as long and could potentially damage your brand image by being perceived as substandard.

    You may have a strong aesthetic vision for your product that involves unique materials or an unusually shaped package. Try to think through all aspects of this vision, going with unorthodox materials or shapes requires extra diligence, since these decisions can have unintended consequences like poor readability or poor functionality in shipping.

    Also, customers increasingly expect the products they buy to have minimal impact on the environment, and this includes their packaging. When possible, use recycled materials or those from sustainable sources. For example, consider using soy inks instead of toxic petroleum-based ones. Also look into packaging options that will require less water or energy in their production, this is another way to attract environmentally conscious customers while also saving money over time.

    Cost is another factor that you should consider when choosing cosmetic packaging materials at cosmetic tube factory. Certain types of materials may cost more than others, so you should decide which ones are most important to you based on their features and benefits versus their cost.

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