Can people who don’t wear makeup just apply BB cream? What is the hazard to the skin

by:Lisson     2021-03-09

I usually don’t like makeup but I want to have a fairer complexion. Of course, I can only use BB cream. BB cream is the same as other liquid foundations, CC creams, cushions, etc., in fact, they are all foundation products. , It has the function of modifying skin tone and brightening skin tone. Applying BB cream and foundation are actually the same. They already belong to the scope of makeup. It just discards other steps in makeup. For this kind of powdery products, it is best to moisturize the skin before using it. It is the most basic skin care to make a lot of water, especially in the cold and dry seasons like autumn and winter, the skin oil will be less, and if you don’t do a good job of moisturizing, you may experience pink and peeling if you apply BB cream directly. At the same time, the water emulsion can also reduce the damage of the BB cream to the skin and play a buffering role. When choosing a BB cream, the color number is very important. Don't blindly pursue the white color. The color number that is far from the skin tone is prone to false face, which will make you look heavy and the makeup is not enough. Most BB creams on the market have fewer shades, and generally choose the one that is close to your skin tone or half to one shade, because after applying BB cream for a period of time, the oil components in it will become oxidized and dull. It will fit your skin tone better and look more natural. The second is the choice of makeup tools. The same is true for BB cream. It is easy to be uncomfortable when using bare hands. If you choose to use makeup eggs or triangular sponges for makeup, you will be more compliant. Makeup will also make your makeup more natural. Most BB creams are actually a little sticky when used alone. If you don't like this skin feel, you can add a layer of loose powder. The last thing is how they are foundation products. After using BB cream, you must remember to remove your makeup. Only using facial cleanser can not completely clean the BB cream. If you do not remove makeup properly for a long time, it will easily lead to various skin problems and dark acne. Large pores and so on, so whether you use liquid foundation, BB cream, CC cream, you need to remove makeup well. Therefore, people who don’t make-up can just apply BB cream, but pay attention to skin care before applying, and remove makeup after use.
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